Fri, 26 November, 2021
Doctoral training on PhD programme based within industry at TWI Ltd, in Cambridge with Brunel University London.
NSIRC (National Structural Integrity Research Centre is recruiting for a PhD Student to join our doctoral programme with TWI Ltd and Brunel University London.
This brand new research project is open to UK, EU and international students and is provided with funding and industrial supervision by Lloyd's Register Foundation (LRF).
Topics from the NSIRC PhD programme focus on industrial need for research across a wide range of technologies within the field of structural integrity and related subject areas.
PhD topic: Hydrogen-Induced Stress Cracking (HISC) of Duplex Stainless Steels
- Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)
- Location: TWI Ltd, Cambridge, England
Background to this industrial PhD
Duplex Stainless Steels (DSSs) are widely used in oil and gas subsea applications, such as pipelines, and manifolds and risers in production systems, due to their superior properties.
In these environments, DSS components are often connected to ferritic steel components, which necessitate the application of cathodic protection (CP) as a means of corrosion prevention.
Whilst successful in preventing degradation of the ferritic parts, CP can generate hydrogen at the bare surface of the subsea structures, whereupon, it can be absorbed into the alloy and cause embrittlement.
Cracking of this embrittled material is known as hydrogen-induced stress cracking (HISC) and is recognised as a major cause of catastrophic failures in service, which are of significant fatal and financial losses.
However, there are currently no established/standardised guidelines for evaluating resistance to cracking of DSSs in such environments, in a quantitative manner and against any established acceptance criterion.
Photo: Unsplash. Hydrogen cold cracking, whilst unusual, is not unknown and can occur in the ferrite of weld metal and HAZs at quite low hydrogen concentrations. It is recommended that the hydrogen control measures used for low alloy steel consumables should apply for duplex consumables.
Outline to this PhD research and objectives
The main objectives of this PhD project are to develop an in-depth insight to the cracking behaviour of DSSs once exposed to hydrogen, and provide new, quantitative methods for assessing and designing against HISC, as well as providing data to enable production of more reliable assists.
This also helps risks of HISC to be managed, and therefore increase safety and reduce the operation costs and issues associated with, potentially fatal, catastrophic failures.
A series of experimental and modelling tasks (but not limited to the following items), will be undertaken:
- Advanced microstructural characterisation of a few DDS product forms (and weldments);
- Modelling of test specimen geometries, and numerical calculation of strain/stress distributions along the stress raiser to be incorporated in those specimens;
- Mechanical and environmental testing of a number of specimens with different geometries (size, notch acuity);
- Post characterisation of tested specimens using metallography and fractography ;
- Data analysis and interpretation of the findings obtained
Watch presentations from NSIRC PhD Students about their ongoing research.
Entry requirements and funding for PhD Studentship
Candidates should have a relevant degree at 2.1 minimum, or an equivalent overseas degree, in a Materials or Mechanical Engineering field.
English language requirement if applicable as specified in on the Brunel University website.
Studentship will provide successful Home/EU students with a minimum stipend of £16k/year and will cover the cost of tuition fees. Overseas applicants are welcome to apply, with total funding capped at £24k per year.
Lloyd's Register Foundation: Who they are...
LRF is an international charity organisation that promotes postgraduate education that can support STEM research towards making the world a safer place to live and work.
Part funded by Lloyd’s Register Group Limited, LRF has been a partner of NSIRC and TWI since 2012, and has supported over NSIRC 70 PhD students with a 100% completion rate.
LRF is a founding partner of NSIRC and publishes Foresight Reviews on a range of industrial topics such as Structural Integrity, Design for Safety, Big-Data, Cyber Security and more.
Introduction to Brunel University London...
Brunel is a leading University committed to international excellence, world-changing research and high quality, inspirational teaching.
They are strongly committed to inclusivity, promoting equality and celebrating diversity among our staff and students.
Students will develop their careers in a supportive and collaborative academic environment in one of the world’s leading research-intensive universities; elite in the excellence of our research, yet distinctive for the genuine synergy between our research and teaching.