Tue, 18 May, 2021
April 2021 saw the graduation of the first candidates from the new MSc in Engineering Leadership and Management course – a flexible, part-time Master’s Degree offered by the National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC) in Cambridge and awarded by Aston University, Birmingham – which enables employees to improve their leadership skills while continuing to work full-time for their employer.
The graduation ceremony took place on 15 April 2021 and was attended by candidates Ameni Lounissi and Alexander Tsougranis, both of whom work for TWI and have successfully completed their qualification. Ameni and Alexander both started their Master’s Degree journey in 2017 – for which they undertook eight modules on subjects including mastering strategy, strategic financial management, engineering programme management, the business landscape and research methods – as well as a year-long employer-based project intended to address a significant business topic within the company or organisation, which formed the final dissertation.
Ameni Lounissi, graduate of the Engineering Leadership and Management MSc. Photo: TWI Ltd
Speaking about her achievement, Ameni said “Obtaining the MSc has certainly given my career a boost ,as well as enhanced my personal skills in areas such as general management and strategic planning, all of which has contributed to my confidence levels.” I am delighted to say that while I was on the course, I successfully achieved promotion from Project Leader, Academic Operations for the TWI Innovation Network (TWIIN) to Team Leader of the Academic Operations, TWIIN”.
Alexander commented about his time studying for the MSc “My MSc studies helped me in understanding the business challenges at an organisational level, identifying ways to support the organisation with my ideas, and of course improved my career“. Alexander also achieved promotion over the duration of the course, with promotion from Non-destructive Testing (NDT) Lecturer to NDT Programme Manager, TWI.